Tuesday, May 19, 2009

An Ancient Solution to a Modern Dilemma?

There isn’t much argument about the fact that globalization and economic challenges are swiftly changing traditional roles in households all around the world. These changes often mean that women end up juggling full-time jobs, house chores, child care, and marital commitments, leaving them with hardly any personal time at all. Faced with such burdens, women who want to preserve some kind of sanity often resort to one of two options. The first is to give up their ambitions and dreams to remain home and watch life pass them by. The second is divorce. Neither is the lesser of two evils.
So what is the solution? How can a “modern” woman pursue her dreams without breaking her family? Well, actually there is a third option. Polygamy.
I know that the word itself carries a heavy connotation of some sort of backward tribal practice. But the idea of taking more than one wife is something that has been practiced throughout history and is absolutely legal today across many Muslim and non-Muslim countries.
Personally, I never thought that I, a hard-core feminist, would live to say this, but the truth is this middle-ground solution allows women to enjoy the best of both worlds. Not just that, but the whole concept is also economical and environment-friendly. Studies have shown that the recent economic crisis has forced more couples to live together to cut costs. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing considering how much is saved from sharing the same rooftop, energy sources, transportation means, etc. The same idea could be applied here, but just a little more broadly.
Anyways, my first and foremost interest is what works best for hard-working professional moms. After all, who has time nowadays for a full-time marital commitment?
But to be fair, I have to suggest that the same option of polygamy be made available for women who wait endlessly for partners who have fully-loaded schedules.

Painting by Adeline McCarter