Since my previous post was about a much-anticipated but lagging Syrian revolution, I thought it was only fair to share some updates from the Syrian opposition. The following link shows footages of protestors from various parts of the country, collected in association with the UK-based Strategic Research and Communication Centre:
In spite of the sporadic protests, I still think that a major unified revolution has not yet taken place and is unlikely to happen in the near future, unless radical internal structural shifts or external interference take place.
As a matter of fact, the majority of Damascenes I have talked to report the continuation of normal daily activities, dismissing the news about the protests as "conspiracy theories aimed at national solidarity".
Here, I would really like to say a few things about opposition gorups. Regardless of the end results it achieves, the existence of opposition in any self-respecting constitutional regime is as vital as the presnce of the government in power itself. Call it the Yin and Yang of politics, if you will. Opposition ensures that powers are kept in check and that a healthy civil discussion is maintained. Most important, "opposition" is neither synonymous with "unpatriotism" nor "sectarianism". And while I do not generally support a power vacuum, I certainly can not give my voice to any institution that readily labels anyone seeking imporovement as an unpatriotic agent.