I am often told, especially by followers of monotheistic religions, that religion X, for example, is so clearly the right and only belief system. This is so to the degree that any person with average intellectual capabilities should reach such conclusion with the aid of a little contemplation. Assuming that this is the case then everyone should automatically and intuitively become a follower of the said religion, unless he/she falls under one of the two categories:
1. He/she is created and made incredibly stupid so as to be incapable of perceiving such truth.
2. He/she is not stupid per se, but is not guided to the right path for whatever divine scheme.
Both cases are clearly a result of divine intervention for which man or woman cannot possibly be held responsible. So if humans exist on this planet today due to intelligent design, I’m sure that the designer is intelligent enough to know how bad they’ve messed up some of their “createes” and excuse them for their condition.
(Painting by Jibran Khalil Jibran)