Panting heavily and almost choking on his suppressed tears, Safi repeatedly banged on the recently-painted wooden door with convulsive angry fists. BANG! BANG! BANG...Pause for a breath…Banging resumes. It wasn’t until the woman in the neighboring apartment opened her door that Safi realized he had been knocking too loud for too long. Through the cracked door, a sweet aroma of freshly baked bread escaped and filled the air. She looked at the shaken boy with a sweet inquisitive smile.
“Hey you’re the son of Abu Safi, right? I saw your dad and his wife leave earlier this morning and I don’t think they’re back yet.”
“I’m…I’m sorry to bother you…I…Do you know when they’ll be back?…I really need to talk to him”
“I’m afraid I don’t know, dear.”
Hala saw that the boy was clearly troubled. Her maternal instinct simply could not shut him down, not another one.
“You can wait for them inside if you want. I was just about to boil some cinnamon tea. C’mon in”
“Really?…I mean are you sure you don’t mind?”
One smile was all the assurance he needed.
The furniture in the living room was simple, yet comfortable. An over-sized portrait of a young man hung on the central wall immediately stood out.
“That is my darling son, Fouad. He works in Kuwait.”
“I’m sorry but I don’t recall seeing him around before.”
Hala sensed that a light conversation could help ease down the boy’s nerves, so she continued.
“He has been working there since he was eighteen…I haven’t seen him since then, either.”
“How old is he now?”
“Next month he will turn 24. I was only 16 when I had him, but even at that age I knew he would be all the pride in my life. I still remember how I did everything I could so that he would become a great doctor, just like I and his late father always wanted him to be”. She added with a nostalgic guilty smile “I even threatened him if he doesn‘t go to medicine school I would deprive him of my blessings forever. See, I just wanted the best for him.”
After a sorrowful pause, she added “but he left at eighteen...just before he could go to university”
“I’m sorry to hear that Um Fouad…”
“Oh just call me Hala. So how‘s your mom doing? I only met her a couple of times before it happened… I mean the divorce. She always seemed very sweet.”
“Yeah…I really need to talk to dad about her before it’s too late…can you believe her? she’s completely gone out of her mind.”
“Kher, what is it?”
“Somebody must stop her. She wants to get remarried! At her age! Am I not enough for her? He must stop her!”
“But you‘re parents are divorced, so really…”
“She cannot do this. She cannot just abandon me…Next year I will turn eighteen so maybe I should also…”
Safi could feel the tears growing in his throat and threatening to drown his whole entity.
“Oh dear, my dear, come here. Don’t be cruel like that…Don‘t leave your mama.”
Hala impulsively engulfed him with her arms. Even as alien as Safi was to the concept of hugging, he felt found by her warmth.
“Stay…Just stay a while.”
Safi held her back as tight as he could.
Painting by Mario Mously