I’ve read several pieces by several “Western” authors, and by “Western” I mean either American or European, trying to analyze the causes of the deep hatred felt in the Arab/Muslim world against the “West”, manifested in events like 9/11 for example. Some of them attribute this hatred to the US’s neoconservative-driven policies towards the Middle East. Some of them justify it as mere jealousy of the “West’s” wealth and development, while others simply blame it on the “hostility that is inherent within Islam against anything non-Muslim”.
The truth is this relationship is much more complicated than a simple feeling of hatred and jealousy. Yes, Arabs/Muslims love to hate everything “Western” including media, culture, foreign policy, etc, and almost always blame all their misfortunes on some Israeli/American conspiracy. Yet they still hold feelings of respect and awe towards scientific advancements, social etiquette, and humane values often seen in the “West”. I have to mention, though, that eight years of persistent threat with the iron fist has made it much much harder to express such feelings in public. The clear bias recently favoring Israel in American foreign policy during the war on Gaza is not helping either. But Arabs/Muslims can be won over with the return of diplomacy on the table, especially that there is still some anticipated hope and change in the air.
Take the example of the Syrian people. Even though the very word “Syrian” might conjure images of terrorism, hatred, and evil to the average American ear, most Syrians just really want to deal with someone who is willing to talk and listen to them. To clarify, take the vast difference in reactions towards Mr. Clinton and Mr. Bush. During the Clinton era if someone told a Syrian that he resembled the American President in some manner, the guy would be very flattered. But during Bush’s time, if someone ever had the guts to compare a Syrian to him, well the least I could say is expect some flying shoes. What is ironic is that Bush’s best-buddy attitude would’ve worked wonders if implemented in this area, but alas Mr. Cowboy had to act all tough and turn off everyone.
Anyways, the point is diplomacy, diplomacy, diplomacy. Arabs/Muslims are easily disarmed when someone is willing to treat them as an equal and a partner. Only then will the deeply-buried feelings of respect and awe resurface.
(Painting by Rob Kirbyson)